Error:Got error 28 from storage engine
Query:SELECT DISTINCT ( IF(`T1`.`country_level1` LIKE '%countries_guangdong_hong_kong_macau_greater_bay_area_zhongshan%', 1, 0) + IF(`T1`.`square_feet` = '1001|foot', 1, 0) + IF(`T1`.`property_status` LIKE '%1%', 1, 0) + IF(`T1`.`Category_ID` = '92', 3, 0) + IF( FIND_IN_SET('92', `T1`.`Crossed`) > 0, 2, 0 ) + IF( FIND_IN_SET('92', `T3`.`Parent_IDs`) > 0, 1, 0 ) + IF( FIND_IN_SET('1', `T3`.`Parent_IDs`) > 0, 1, 0 ) + IF(`T1`.`bedrooms` LIKE '%4%', 1, 0) + IF(`T1`.`bathrooms` LIKE '%2%', 1, 0) ) as `relevance`, `T1`.*, `T3`.`Path` AS `Path`, `T3`.`Key` AS `Key`, `T3`.`Type` AS `Listing_type`, IF(`T1`.`Date` != `T1`.`HighlightDate` AND `T1`.`HighlightDate` != '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '1', '0') as 'is_highlighted', IF( `T1`.`Sub_status`='invisible' OR `T1`.`Sub_status` = 'visible', `T1`.`Main_photo`, IF(`T1`.`Main_photo`='',`T1`.`Main_photo`,CONCAT( SUBSTRING_INDEX(`T1`.`Main_photo`, '.', 1), '_', `T1`.`Sub_status` ,'_hk', '.', SUBSTRING_INDEX(`T1`.`Main_photo`, '.', -1)))) AS `Main_photo` ,IF( `T1`.`Sub_status`='invisible' OR `T1`.`Sub_status` = 'visible', `T1`.`Main_photo_x2`, IF(`T1`.`Main_photo_x2`='',`T1`.`Main_photo_x2`,CONCAT( SUBSTRING_INDEX(`T1`.`Main_photo_x2`, '.', 1), '_', `T1`.`Sub_status` ,'_hk', '.', SUBSTRING_INDEX(`T1`.`Main_photo_x2`, '.', -1)))) AS `Main_photo_x2` ,IF(`T1`.`Featured_date`, '1', '0') `Featured` FROM `fl_listings` AS `T1` LEFT JOIN `fl_categories` AS `T3` ON `T1`.`Category_ID` = `T3`.`ID` WHERE `T1`.`Status` = 'active' AND `T1`.`ID` != '124879' AND (`T1`.`country_level1` LIKE '%countries_guangdong_hong_kong_macau_greater_bay_area_zhongshan%' ) AND (`T1`.`property_status` LIKE '%1%' ) AND (`T1`.`Category_ID` = '92' OR (FIND_IN_SET('92', `T1`.`Crossed`) > 0 ) OR FIND_IN_SET('92', `T3`.`Parent_IDs`) > 0 OR FIND_IN_SET('1', `T3`.`Parent_IDs`) > 0 ) AND (`T1`.`bedrooms` LIKE '%4%' ) AND (`T1`.`bathrooms` LIKE '%2%' ) AND `T1`.`Sub_status` <> 'invisible' ORDER BY `relevance` DESC LIMIT 6
File:/home/xnhcw86y/public_html/includes/classes/rlHook.class.php(185) : eval()'d code (line# 7)